Accounting Features Upgrade
Enrollware has added features that provide basic accounting capability to the class registration system. The main goals of the system enhancements are to allow for partial payments to be applied to a class registration, track a “Balance Due” for each student registration, and provide a report of all payments received for registrants.
Enrollware is in the process of rolling these features out to all accounts where it may be beneficial. Accounts that have already been upgraded will have a "Due" column in the list of students on the class edit screen.
Course types can be set to allow registrations to be made with an optional deposit instead of a payment in full. This setting is controlled in each course type edit screen as shown here:
Once enabled, the deposit option becomes visible within the registration page and if selected, the corresponding confirmation page and receipt indicate the partial payment with balance due.
Payments and the balance due amount are also now tracked in the student edit screen. Additional payments (cash, check, etc.) can be added by clicking the green plus sign shown below.
If your account is enabled for online credit card processing (, Stripe, etc.) there will be a “Process Payment” button at the top right of the add/edit student screens.
Once clicked, a payment screen will load which allows you to process manual credit card transactions that will automatically apply to the student record.
The balance due amount is also listed on the main class edit screen, within the list of students.
An option to the promo codes has been added that indicates whether or not the promotion code should reduce the balance due, or be applied as a discount. This option is useful for promotion codes that defer payment, such as “PAYATCLASS”. By default, this option is set to uncheck.
- A new report has been added under the Reports tab, titled payment report. This report will list all payments received (or entered manually) within a given date range. It may also be exported to Excel.