Zapier webhooks allow you to send segments of data to various different integration points. Whether its an LMS, spreadsheet, calendar, or analytics, Zapier has many different integration points that will allow a ton of connectivity.
For our clients, the big ask was to be able to integrate with larger LMS programs. This was the best option for us to quickly integrate and gives our clients lots of flexibility to integrate with many other apps.
You can now access Zapier integrations in the Site Settings page. There are two option for connectivity. Classes and Students. More instructions can be found by hovering over the "?" next to the settings.
Zapier Registration Webhook
Zapier Class Webhook
These are set up to be used in tandem with Zapier Webhooks. In order to use them you have to set up a "Catch Hook" in Zapier
You will then receive a Webhook URL that will be pasted in the Enrollware Setting
Once you've done that, Enrollware will automatically send that data to that Webhook and you can set up many different actions within Zapier.
Here is a list of the fields and types Enrollware sends to Zapier.
(type) name - description
registration fields:
- (int) regId - registration Id
- (int) courseId - course Id
- (int) courseSchedId - class Id
- (string) courseName - course name
- (string) discipline - course discipline
- (string) firstName - registration first name
- (string) lastName - registration last name
- (string) emailAddress - registration email address
- (string) phoneNumber - registration primary phone
- (string) altPhoneNumber - registration secondary phone
- (string) address1 - registration address 1
- (string) address2 - registration address 2
- (string) city - registration city
- (string) state - registration state
- (string) zip - registration zip
- (string) country - registration country
- (string) license - registration license number
- (string) locationName - class location name
- (string) startTime - class start time
- (string) instructor - class instructor name
- (string) promoCode - registration promo code (if applicable)
- (string) classPriceCode - class price code if tiered pricing is used
- (string) classPrice - class price
- (string) orderTotal - order total
- (string) optionTotal - total cost of addons
- (string) shipPrice - cost of shipping
- (string) balanceDue - amount student has left to pay
- (string) comments - registration comments
- (regOption[]) options - registration addons
- (regQuestion[]) questions - registration questions/answers
- (regPayment[]) payments - payments applied to the registration
regOptions fields:
- (string) productCode - addon code
- (string) price - addon price
regQuestion fields:
- (string) question - custom registration question
- (string) answer- custom registration answer
regPayment fields:
- (string) pmtDate - payment date
- (string) pmtType - payment type
- (string) pmtAmount - payment amount