Finalizing Rosters and Locking
To finalize a class roster, navigate to the class in question in Classes and Students - Past Classes and select the Edit Box under Action on the right-hand side.
Select Edit Scores, change the status of the students to compete, remediated, no show, etc.
Now enter the students' test score, e-learning certificate number or simply pass/fail even N/A, save changes then select the back button to return to the class details page.
If required, scroll down the class details page and electronically sign your class roster and upload any required class documents from your computer.
Select Update Class then select Finalize Roster.
Finalizing the class roster indicates that the class has been completed and all student data is correct. At this point, the class and student data update other areas of your Enrollware system such as reports, instructor records, student database, email campaigns, etc.
Locking Finalized rosters
The Finalized rosters can also be locked and unlocked by a TC admin. This option will be located within the Settings - Site settings, scroll down to Training center settings, there the option will be present to unlock them. Make sure to Update settings.