Help with EnrollwarePay


EnrollwarePay is a fully integrated payment processing platform that is designed just for users of Enrollware.  EnrollwarePay replaces your merchant and payment gateway account with one system that's seamlessly integrated into the Enrollware system.


Once your account is enabled for EnrollwarePay you will need to complete the simple online application and then activate the system by entering your EnrollwarePay Merchant Identifier into Enrollware.  You can start that process by clicking the setup link in your admin navigation as shown here:

Or, clicking the button in your Site Settings page:

Follow the instructions in the Setup screens.  Once you've received your Merchant Identifier in the welcome email, return to the setup screen and enter it into step 2.


Once you've completed the setup, we recommend performing a live test in the Virtual Terminal with an actual credit card to ensure that everything was entered correctly.  Once you've completed the test, you can use MerchantTrack (see below) to void the transaction.

Virtual Terminal

The EnrollwarePay Virtual Terminal allows you to charge a card for a transaction that is not directly related to a student registration.  Click the link under the EnrollwarePay navigation tab and complete the form.  Successful transactions will be displayed in the payment report.

Payment Report

The Payment Report, also accessible under the EnrollwarePay navigation tab, displays results from all transactions processed through EnrollwarePay.  Transaction IDs are hyperlinked to a View Transaction page, where you can access a receipt and initiate a void or refund.

Voids and Refunds

Voids and refunds can be done by clicking the hyperlinked transaction ID in the Student Edit screen or the Payment Report.  

That link takes you to the View Transaction page, where a Process Refund button will be displayed if a refund is permitted.  Transactions can only be refunded or voided up to the original charge amount.


MerchantTrack is EnrollwarePay online reporting and reconciliation system accessible directly from Enrollware.  A link to MerchantTrack will appear in the EnrollwarePay navigation section in your admin pages as shown here:

Sample MerchantTrack Screenshots

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