EnrollwarePay Frequently Asked Questions

What is EnrollwarePay?

EnrollwarePay is the dedicated payment processing system for Enrollware which is supported by our parent company, Fullsteam.  EnrollwarePay transactions originate as student registration payments, admin initiated charges, and training site product orders.  Like other merchant accounts, EnrollwarePay submits payment transactions on your behalf and deposits the funds into your bank account.

Who is Fullsteam?

Fullsteam is the owner of a family of software companies focused on seamless integration of software and payments technology.  Headquartered in Auburn, Alabama, they provide the payment processing services that power EnrollwarePay.  Enrollware was acquired by Fullsteam in July 2019.

What are the advantages to EnrollwarePay?

Cost savings, enhanced features, a single point of support, and tighter integration with Enrollware are the main advantages to EnrollwarePay.  Features such as QuickBooks syncing and integrated voids and refunds are available only to EnrollwarePay users. 

What are the costs?

Our standard fees are 2.8% of the transaction amount plus $0.20 per transaction with no monthly fee.  Merchants processing over $200,000 per year may submit a recent statement for analysis that could result in an even lower rate.   We have a guaranteed "meet or beat" pricing strategy.

How much time will it take to get set up?

EnrollwarePay setup is quick and easy.   A simple online application is completed and submitted for review.  The application is usually approved in 1 or 2 days, at which point you will receive your Merchant Identifier.   Once this identifier is entered into your Enrollware Site Settings page, your account is live and accepting transactions.  Some more information on the setup and usage is located here.

When will I receive my funds?

With our standard offering, funds are available on the "second day".  Accelerated funding is an option for $25/mo that provides funds next day.  Funds are available in your deposit account according to the Standard schedule 8:05 CST cutoff):

*Banking Holiday will delay funds by one (1) day

Monday transactions (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Wednesday 
Tuesday transactions (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Thursday 
Wednesday Transaction (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Friday 
Thursday transaction (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Monday
Fri/Sat/Sun transactions (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Tuesday

Add +1 day if closing is after (8:05 CST cutoff)

Accelerated Funding

Batch Close After 8:05 PM CT

Monday transactions (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Tuesday
Tuesday transactions (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Wednesday
Wednesday Transaction (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Thursday
Thursday transaction (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Friday
Fri/Sat/Sun transactions (8:05 CST cutoff) funds are available Monday

Add +1 day if closing is after (8:05 CST cutoff)

Does EnrollwarePay send me an email for payments and daily batch totals?

Yes, you can designate email addresses to be notified when payments are processed as well as daily settlement emails.  This field is located in the EnrollwarePay Settings section of your Site Settings page.

How are charge-backs handled?

Charge-backs are handled in similar fashion to other merchant accounts.  Once a charge-back is initiated, the Fullsteam payment services team will assist you in organizing the information to dispute the charge-back.  There is a $25 fee assessed for each charge-back.

Can I send an invoice with EnrollwarePay?

With EnrollwarePay, you have the ability to send a link to a payment form to any registrant who has a balance due.  That link is sent in their confirmation email and also in their receipt.  More information on this feature can be found here

How does the QuickBooks sync feature work?

Enrollware has the ability to sync EnrollwarePay payment transactions into your QuickBooks Online account.  Once you connect your QuickBooks and Enrollware accounts, data records will be created in QuickBooks for Customers, Sales Receipts, and Payments based on the payments processed through EnrollwarePay.  We have a help article discussing this feature located here.

Can I use EnrollwarePay with other eCommerce applications or shopping carts?

No, EnrollwarePay has been custom built for integration with the Enrollware software application and does not integrate with other applications or shopping carts.  If you have other systems utilizing payment processing capabilities, they will need to remain with your current processor.  

Is there a way to take payments over the phone or in person?

Yes, we have a Virtual Terminal page within the Enrollware Admin site that allows you to take payments not directly related to a student registration.

Why do you require personal information such as SSN and home address?

Providing information such as a Social Security Number, when applying for a merchant account is used for identity verification purposes required in accordance with Section 326 of the U.S. Patriot Act, signed into law in October 2001 in response to the events of September 11.

The Act is enforced by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ( OFAC), a branch of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which is responsible for overseeing financial transactions within the United States. Merchant accounts, by definition, facilitate such transactions in real-time, across the country and even internationally. Therefore, they must adhere to these requirements.

In order to remain compliant with the Act, all financial institutions are mandated to develop a Customer Identification Program (CIP), which lays out comprehensive measures to verify the identities of anyone looking to open an account. Otherwise, the OFAC would be unable to systematically prevent individuals committing money-laundering, drug trafficking or acts of terrorism from receiving such financial services.

What about PCI compliance requirements?

What is PCI Compliance?

In a nutshell, PCI Compliance is required to ensure online credit card transactions are performed securely. All businesses/organizations that process credit cards online must be PCI compliant.

What do I need to do?

Look for an email from enroll@securitymetrics.com with the subject "Follow-up: PCI Enrollment for [your company name]". Complete the survey included in the email.

You can also find the survey here: www.securitymetrics.com/pcidss/enrollware Note: you will need your Merchant Id Number. In Enrollware, navigate to Settings | Site Settings | EnrollwarePay section.

What if I have questions?

SecurityMetrics PCI Enrollment FAQ document will answer most of your questions. You can also contact the Security Metrics Support Team at 800-557-4797 or enroll@securitymetrics.com with questions on how to complete the survey.

Any merchant account questions can be directed to Payment Services Support at (334) 329-6775 Ext. 4 or     Payments.support@fullsteam.com.

Is there a fee?

Yes. The Security Metrics fee is $9.99/month and will be included in your EnrollwarePay/Fullsteam statement.

Note: if this survey is not completed, a non-compliance fee of $29.99/month will be accessed.

Do you support any other payment processors?

No.  EnrollwarePay is the exclusive payment processing engine for Enrollware.  We no longer support any other payment processors.

How can I change the bank account that my deposits are sent to?

Send an email with the request to change the account to   Payments.support@fullsteam.com with the subject:  Bank Change Request. 
Attach a scanned voided check (can not be a starter check) or a bank verification letter to the email.  The bank verification must contain the full routing and account number and must be signed by a bank representative.

Will I receive a 1099?

Merchants that process more than $20,000 and 200 transactions will receive a 1099-K from our back-end process, Worldpay.  These will be sent out via postal mail by January 31.
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