Unassigning Keycodes and Course Links

If a keycode or course link was assigned to a student by mistake, they can be unassigned (or recycled) for re-use in the bank.  This process removes the keycode / course link from the assigned registration, marks it as unused, and returns it to the bank.  

Be advised this does not mean the codes were not used by the student

To start the process, navigate to Settings->Online Keycodes, and then select the bank from which the rmistaken keycode was assigned.  At the top of the list of keys, click the "Enable Recycle" button.

That will result in the display of recycle icons next to each of the keys that have already been assigned.  Find the key that you'd like to unassign, and click the adjacent recycle icon.

After confirming the recycle action, the keycode / course link will be unassigned and displayed in the bank as unused.

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