E-card SMS

This set up is done at the AHA website.

To retrieve ecard via SMS

1). During or after class, (Instructor or Training Center has entered student mobile phone number into the eCard system). Students can opt-in to claim/view their eCard by texting “eCard” to the number 51736.

2). If the message is sent correctly per the guidance of the Instructor the student will receive instructions via text message on how to claim your eCard. Click on the hyperlink in the text message to be taken to the e-card claim site.

3). If the student attempt to opt-in and their number is not in the system, they will receive a message that their phone number was not found.

Once the ecard has been issued this is done via the Aha to request. The number provided 51736 is the one used to retrieve it via the AHA since enrollware has communicated that the ecards have been issued. The AHA then sends out a text with the link via text.

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