AHA eCard Exports

Enrollware can generate an Excel (XLS or XLSX) import file that can be uploaded to the AHA Instructor Network.  Please refer to AHA's My Cards Guide for detailed instructions on how and where to upload this file.

For AHA Training Centers, we also provide an eCard Direct Connect feature that eliminates the need for file exports and imports.  Information on that feature can be found here.

After the class has been completed and the roster finalized, click the “Print Cards” button.

Ensure that the 'eCard Exports' tab is selected.

Check the "Assign" box for each of the students you wish to include.  Then select the AHA .xlsx format and click the Generate Import File button.

This will make the green check mark appear on the print card icon next to the action button even if cards were not issued.

Refer to the My Card documentation or the AHA Instructor Network for specific instructions on how to import the file.

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